Prismatic Inks manufactures and supplies a complete range of flexographic inks and coatings with UV Cured and Waterbased options available. Printers can make use of our electronic pantone-equivalent mixing guide for UV Flexographic inks.
UV Cured Inks:
126xx UViflex ink – A complete range of pantone®-equivalent colours including lightfast, metallics and fluorescents. The basic ink set is suitable for foiling and has good adhesion to a variety of commercial printing substrates including vinyl and polypropylene.
146xx UViflex LO ink – Equivalent ink set recommended for (indirect) food packaging applications.
Contact Prismatic Inks technical Dept for enquiries related to compatibility over screen inks or for printing on thermal stocks
1268xx UViflex Fluoro Inks – a full range of pantone®-equivalent colours, daylight-fluorescent colours and invisible-fluorescent colours suitable for Optical character recognition and lume-scan applications.
Printers can make use of our electronic pantone-equivalent mixing guide for UV Flexographic inks.
Water Based Inks
306xx – Purafilm Inks – a waterbased ink for film printing applications
316xx – Puratherm Inks – a waterbased ink for printing on thermal stocks
Other Flexographic Options
Refer also to Clear Coatings for product information on flexographic primers, adhesives or coating.
Refer to Liquid FX for product information on various Flexographic process embellishments available including Mid Build, Thermochromic, Texture, soft-feel, gloss options, etc…